Forma realizácie kurzu je prezenčná alebo online (prípadne obe formy).
Pracovné metódy používané v tréningových programoch sú zvolené tak, aby sme zaistili interaktivitu, prispôsobenie obsahu potrebám účastníkov a prioritne sa zamerali na prenesenie znalostí do praxe.
- To understand the philosophy behind project management and to practically master its tools (from the position of a project manager as well as a member of the project team) with emphasis on the Definition and Planning phases.
- To standardize the approach to project management in accordance with the requirements of PMI and IPMA standards. To create conditions for increasing customer orientation and deployment of customer requirements to project solutions.
Initiation Phase
- Requirements of stakeholders.
- Critical success factors.
- Feasibility study.
Planning Phase
- Project team. Decomposition of goals (WBS).
- Project stage model.
- Responsibility matrix and resource allocation.
- Risk planning.
Implementation Phase
- Project milestones (control points).
- Managing and optimizing project indicators.
Closing Phase
- Evaluating fulfilled project goals.
- Project management support and practical issues
Examples of a simulation of project management planning in MS PROJECT.
Registrácia | 8:45 | |
Program | 9:00 | 8:00 |
Obed | 12:00 | 12:00 |
Program | 13:00 | 13:00 |
Ukončenie | 16:30 | 16:00 |
Pre účastníkov kurzu ponúkame možnosť následnej aplikačnej podpory formou individuálnej konzultácie s lektorom alebo formou workshopov priamo u klienta.
Pre objednanie alebo viac informácií nás kontaktujte na, prípadne na telefónnom čísle +421 2 544 185 13.
Kurzy prebiehajúce prezenčnou formou sa konajú v Nikar Training Centre na adrese Liptovská 10, 821 09 Bratislava,